Monday, April 26, 2010

Reason to Die

Page 360 in Killer Angels, Lee & Longstreet were talking about the men that were dying. "They do not die for us. Not for us. That at least is a blessing... Each man has his own reason to die."

First, it would be incredibly hard to order people to fight knowing that they were probably going to die.

Second, it makes me wonder 'for what reason would I die'? They don't do it solely on the fact that they were told to.


  1. Why do our soldiers die in Afghanistan and Iraq? I guess we all do have our own reason to die.

  2. I know I would be willing to do anything for my family, my children. I think men (like Pickett's, Longstreets, etc.) would have been thinking about their families, their futures, their welfare and about a country and a life that they know and are secure with, worried about losing. Wouldn't you think?


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