Friday, April 30, 2010

Choice??? Not really.

As I read The Killer Angels, I really came to feel sorry for Longstreet. Gosh dang, talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place! He knew he would be sending his men into slaughter, tried to get Lee to change his mind, but couldn't. Just as he should, following orders, he sent his men in (Pickett's Charge). Ok, so how did that even make any sense? I don't know much about war strategy, but walking a mile in an open field, while the "enemy" is protected high on a hill, behind a wall, just waiting for the right time to open fire? Hmmmm. Sure makes you wonder how history would have been changed if Lee had taken Longstreet's advice (or do I say plea?) .

1 comment:

  1. My 10 year old son has seen me reading BCoF and picked up my Killer Angels book. (He started BCoF but said it was too much information and not enough story)... He is devouring Killer Angels. He is totally following all the maps and discussing it with me ( a good review since I read it a month or so ago). Anyway, he is going to be in 5th grade next year, and I am so excited that he is so excited about history. I told him that he can be one of the resident experts on the Battle of Gettysburg in class next year. Way to go Braeden!! :)


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