Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And the bands played on.

I've been reading the BCOF and on page 580 it talks about the night before the Battle at Stones River. The only thing that separated the North from the South was the river. First the band of one side would play followed by the band of the other side playing. This goes back and forth a while when one band started to play "Home Sweet Home." Soon both sides were playing and singing the same song.
I've never seen or heard of any other wars or even civil wars where this type of behavior and respect has been demonstrated. I think that this is a great lesson for students/everyone to learn. It must have been very conflicting for the troops of both sides to have this kind of respect and even love towards their "enemy." What a horrible war emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I can't even begin to imagine.


  1. I haven't got there yet in the book, but what you said is very true. I can't imagine what it felt like to go to war with former neighbors, friends, or soldiers. I would think all the fighting and violence would eventually cause anger to overpower respect between the two sides.

  2. GHogan,

    I think that the respect probably did wear off. I've heard that even today there are still sore feelings over the South loosing the war in the South. I find this hard to believe after all this time, but that's what I've heard.

  3. I have been reading a lot about the West Pointers. These men had a bond that was strong. The only thing that didn't get in the way was love for country. They still loved each other even while fighting for their country.


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