Monday, April 12, 2010

Civil War on the water

I hadn't realized that the Civil War was also fought on the water! I have always taught the Civil War and never mentioned the battles on water. I guess I never thought about it even though I new that the first submarine as used during the Civil War. I diffidently want to include these battles the next time I teach about the Civil War. I feel it is important to include these battles and to explain the importance these battles had on the outcome of the War. I love learning new things especially things that I should have alread known. I am truly enjoying this book better than I did in the beginning.



  1. I was surprised as well. I had always known about the blockade and the battles between the Ironclads, but I had no idea how important the rivers in the West were. It seems like with each page I am reading, I hear myself say "I didn't know that." I feel like I have already learned a ton. I am getting more excited about this opportunity with each new idea I learn.

  2. I too was surprised about battles being fought on the rivers. I knew of the importance of the railroads and the rivers as transport systems, but I didn't know that battles were actually fought on the rivers. I am glad to know that I am not the only one saying,"I didn't know that!" as I read this book.


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