Friday, April 9, 2010

Killer Angels...and my lack of knowledge

One thing that has become apparent to me while reading Killer Angels is that I'm actually quite uneducated about many aspects of the Civil War. It's kind of sad, since I teach it to my students every year! Because of time constraints, I skip over a lot of things. I mainly focus on slavery and the underground railroad, a few differences between the Union and the Confederacy, a few key battles, Lee's surrender, and reconstruction. I started the book, but found I was having a hard time keeping the characters straight. I made a list of all the men fighting for both sides, and I keep it as a bookmark so I can refer back to it. Its embarrassing to say, and I'm sure some will find me shockingly ignorant, but some of these men are names I've never even heard of before. I'm excited to be able to gain new perspective and knowledge as I read this book!


  1. Don't be embarrassed. You can row in my boat. I had to draw stick figures with angry faces, peaceful faces, arrogant faces etc. I also had to make a list with both sides. I, too, am grateful for a new perspective.

  2. True confession is good for the soul. I've been teaching for 35 years and have come to realize that those telling us what to teach and focus on are not always intune to the climate of the classroom and molding little minds into a "whole" person that is educated in many things not just math, reading and science. I have always had a love of history, and, feel my charge as a teacher is to teach facts, personal touches, and most important, in the world of the "I'm entitled" generation, an APPRECIATION of those gone before us and the sacrifices they made. I always ask my class-"How many of you could walk 10-15 miles a day-in shoes you could wear on EITHER foot(Left/right wasn't "invented" until later in the 1800's) for 3-4 months---IN A DRESS! Our fore bearers had fortitude. I always feel good when former 5th grade students come back and visit and know enough about history in JHS/HS to really be interested. We are fortunate that LHM, Gene, Val, and others provide US with a way to touch students minds.( Some I'd like to touch HARDER than others).
    Sorry for the rambling.

  3. Miss Nelson,
    I too have realized just how much I didn't know about the Civil War. I have been interested in the Civil War history for quite some time now, I even have a book that tells of each battle (with pictures). This book has really helped me get a visual about the battles. It has been very helpful while reading the book "Battle Cry of Freedom."

  4. You are not alone! I have had to make very clear images in my head of the main people. Fortunately, the author does a pretty good job of describing their physical characteristics and personalities. I can just picture a frilly, fragrant Pickett prancing around with his curly locks!

  5. I am very visual and I found that watching the movie and then reading was very helpful. I especially enjoy when they show the character in the movie side by side with the real person. Some are very close.


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