Monday, June 21, 2010

Did the blockade aid? McPherson teaches us.

Yes, and surprisingly no. Does history only record what the winning side says? I had no idea that that many ships were able to get through the blockade. I have been teaching my students that it was a big factor in the North's win. How many other facts have been slanted? I really need to teach the students to look deeply at all sides of the issues. This would be a good lesson to take into life. It applies to all that we hear on the news or read in the newspapers. I have a lot to change in my history curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. As I have been reading BCoF I have noticed that I have tended to underline the North's POV more frequently and whenever Lincoln appears on a page I take more notice to his words and platform. It is amazing how our beliefs shape our opinions!


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