Monday, June 14, 2010

Battle Cry of Freedom

Once again, learning new things has made me more aware than ever that I don't know very much! I'm amazed by how much information is presented in this book, almost all of which I never knew. Like others have mentioned, I always thought the ultimate cause of the the Civil War was slavery. While this was obviously a big deal, this book is helping me understand that so many factors went into this conflict. There was so much tension in our country at the time. So much more than I ever realized! I'm sure I have contributed to student misconception that the only thing the war was fought over was slavery. I'll have to be sure to fix that for next year!


  1. I have experienced exactly what you have said. I have taught the Civil War to students for years, but until reading this book never realize how in-depth and complicated everything was. From politics, to honor, to slaves, to industrialism, to exports and imports, it just goes on and on all the reasons that ultimately led to and caused the Civil War. Wow! What my kids are going to learn next year!!!

  2. I am in total agreement....the only problem is, where do I even start? So much information, so little time. If all I had to teach in social studies was the civil war, I could easily spend the entire year....but......

  3. There were other factor but if there wasn't slavery would there have been a civil war?


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