Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Battle Cry of Freedom - and pirates!

In chapter 10 of Battle Cry of Freedom, it talks about the Confederacy's Naval strategies.  Where have I been?  I really hadn't thought much about the war being fought on sea.  I knew part of Winfield Scott's Anaconda plan was for the Union to cut off the Confederacy's southern ports, but I'd never really thought the Navy played much of a role in the Civil War.  And then we bring pirates into it?!?  I'm sure my students would be so interested to learn that President Lincoln planned to hang certain members of the Confederacy for acts of piracy!  I feel like this is just one more reason my kids will be excited to learn about the Civil War!

1 comment:

  1. I was excited to learn about the privateers that swept across the Atlantic. I know my students will also be interested. I believe Lincoln's proclamation that threatened to treat captured privateer crews as pirates and then Jefferson Davis' response declaring that for every privateer hanged for piracy he would have a Union prisoner of war executed adds even more drama to the battle.


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