Sunday, June 13, 2010

Excitement of a 10 year old!

While I have been reading BCoF, my 10 year old has picked up my Killer Angels book and is completely devouring it. He is carefully following all the strategies, maps, and timelines. He is asking so many questions and having so many great insights. It is really exciting for me to see that spark of excitement in someone of that age. I told him that next year he can be the resident expert about Gettysburg and the Civil War for his class. It makes me very excited to go into more detail than I have in the past now that I, myself, am learning more also. Way to go Braeden!!


  1. Good for your son. Way to go.

  2. I was listening to Killer Angels in my car with my 3 year old grandson. I didn't think he was listening until he asked me why the man was so angry. I turned it off and he said he wanted to hear more.


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