Thursday, April 8, 2010

Reaserch paper required?

I signed up for the 5820(?) class, as I do not need anything for a Master's. I got mine in 1981 and hope it's still valad. Does anyone know -if we are taking just for the 3 ctredits- if we have to do a research paper as they were discussing in Feb? I talked with a group that went to Philidelphia and they indicated that only those wanting the Masters credit did the paper. Please help. Thanks


  1. Mike,

    As I remember, I believe that you are right. Only those looking at earn Master's credit and that enrolled in the 6920 class are required to complete a research paper.

  2. Thanks, Larry. You MADE MY DAY! Also, your comment on picturesw/ names- I ,too, look like one of those little South Park Dudes!


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