Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Battle Cry of Freedom 3

European involvement in the Civil War was for individual gain more than interest in the outcome. Because of a strong belief that an Aristocracy was better, European countries wished to celebrate the failure of Democracy. The English journalist Hotze wrote to encourage the prejudices against Yankees. He appealed to all types of working class citizens as mentioned on page 548. The reason Europe was sympathetic to the cause of the South was directly related to their dependence on cotton supplied to them by the South.

I just kept thinking while reading this section how “King Corn” knocked “King Cotton” off its pedestal because people like to be fed before they are clothed.


  1. I, was also surprised at all the connections with England during this time. History is just always deeper than what I thought I knew. There is just always one more side or way to look at a situation. And oh my goodness- I thought I was up late!

  2. I was just starting my birthday with a bang.


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